
From Quanta Magazine, Oct. 22, 2020: Quanta Magazine creates a new visual representation of the Standard Model, building on a scheme developed by Fermilab scientist Chris Quigg.

Fermilab joins the global celebration of Dark Matter Day. Hear from Fermilab scientists during a special webinar on Saturday, Oct. 31, at 1 p.m. CT. Take a virtual tour of the lab’s dark matter experiments and detectors, and learn how Fermilab is helping answer questions about the mysterious stuff that makes up 25% of our universe.

From Inside HPC, Oct. 14, 2020: With the arrival of exascale computing in 2021, researchers expect to have the power to describe the underlying properties of matter and optimize and control the design of new materials and energy technologies at levels that otherwise would have been impossible. Fermilab scientist Andreas Kronfeld talks about how participation in DOE’s Exascale Computing Project can help solve complicated calculations in particle physics.

From Tech Briefs, Oct. 1, 2020: Fermilab has developed a high-power, high-energy, superconducting radio-frequency electron gun for advanced metal additive manufacturing applications. The novel design is based on a technique that eliminates liquid helium entirely and dramatically reduces the complexity of the system.