201 - 210 of 234 results
A group known for making music with everyday objects recently got their hands on some extraordinary props.
CERN ramps up neutrino program
U.S.-CERN partnership takes on the mystery of neutrinos.
Anything to declare?
Sometimes being a physicist means giving detector parts the window seat.
The lesson from CERN: Why scientists should celebrate getting it wrong
From Chicago Tribune, Sept. 1, 2016: There is little as exhilarating in science as a group of really smart people slapping their foreheads and admitting, hey, we got it wrong. Sorry, our bad.
China, Japan, CERN: Who will host the next LHC?
From Nature, Aug. 19, 2016: The next steps for particle physics now seem less certain, as discussions at the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) suggest. Much hinges on whether the LHC unearths phenomena that fall outside the standard model of particle physics and whether China’s plans to build an LHC successor move forward.
The ICHEP race condition
What’s it like to be part of an experiment collaboration in the weeks and days before a big announcement?
Q&A: The future of CERN
CERN’s Director General is enthusiastic about the progress and prospects of the LHC research program, but it’s not the only thing on her plate.
Neutrinos take centre stage
From CERN Courier, July 8, 2016: Established in 2013 following recommendations from the European Strategy document, the CERN Neutrino Platform ensures Europe’s participation in next-generation long- and short-baseline neutrino experiments in Japan and the United States
LHCb discovers family of tetraquarks
Researchers found four new particles made of the same four building blocks.