DUNE publishes first physics results from prototype detector
Results from the ProtoDUNE single-phase detector at CERN pave the way for detectors 20 times larger for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.
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Results from the ProtoDUNE single-phase detector at CERN pave the way for detectors 20 times larger for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.
Magnets play a key role in looking for the direct transformation of muons into electrons, a theorized phenomenon that Fermilab’s Mu2e experiment will hunt for when it comes online in 2023. In an important milestone, seven essential magnets have passed testing and been accepted for the construction of the experiment.
A precise calibration for measurements of electric current has long eluded scientists. Last year, the ampere was redefined based on the charge of a single electron. The next generation of charge-coupled devices, known as skipper CCDs, could provide the sensitivity needed to calibrate the new definition.
What if you want to capture an image of a process so fast that it looks blurry if the shutter is open for even a billionth of a second? This is the type of challenge scientists on experiments like CMS and ATLAS face as they study particle collisions at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. An extremely fast new detector inside the CMS detector will allow physicists to get a sharper image of particle collisions.
From the University of Birmingham, Nov. 21, 2019: The UK has made a new, multimillion-pound investment in the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, a global science project hosted by Fermilab that brings together the scientific communities of the UK and 31 countries from Asia, Europe and the Americas to build the world’s most advanced neutrino observatory.
Berkeley Lab scientists’ unusual carry-ons include components for a CERN experiment’s detector upgrade.
From Colorado State University, Oct. 25, 2018: Colorado State University contributes detectors to the ProtoDUNE detector at CERN.
From New Scientist Netherlands, Oct. 9, 2018: De nieuwe neutrinodetector ProtoDUNE is aangezet en heeft zijn eerste metingen verricht. Deze detector is met 565 kubieke meter ongeveer zo groot als een gemeentelijk zwembad, en is het prototype voor een reuzendetector in de VS, die negentig keer zo groot wordt.
From Black Hills Pioneer, Sept. 25, 2018: Two years in the making, a neutrino detector built at CERN for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment , which is being used as the prototype for the much larger Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, detectors that will be housed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, has recorded its first particle tracks.
From Expansiòn, en alianza con CNN, Sept. 21, 2018: La teoría de su origen nos ha dejado con una pregunta desconcertante: ¿En dónde rayos está la antimateria?, comenta Don Lincoln.