From Agência FAPESP, May 1, 2019: Na última década foi iniciada, em diferentes países da América Latina, a operação de grandes infraestruturas de pesquisa, como o maior observatório de raios cósmicos do mundo, o Pierre Auger, na Argentina, e o Observatório Cherenkov de Água de Alta Altitude, no México. Nos próximos anos, devem ser concluídas as obras do Sirius – a nova fonte brasileira de luz síncrotron – e do Laboratório Argentino de Feixes de Nêutrons.
international relations
From Agência FAPESP, May 1, 2019: Colaborações científicas de longo prazo exigem grande infraestrutura de pesquisa. Um bom exemplo disso está na Europa, o Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Considerada a maior máquina do mundo, levou uma década para ser construída, envolvendo milhares de cientistas de 111 países.
On March 15, Fermilab broke ground on PIP-II, a major new particle accelerator project at Fermilab. Dignitaries from the United States and international partners celebrated the start of the project at the groundbreaking ceremony. The PIP-II accelerator will power the long-term future of the laboratory’s research program, including the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and a suite of on-site experiments.
Agencies in the United States and France have signed statements expressing interest to work together on the development and production of technical components for PIP-II, a major particle accelerator project with substantial international contributions. In addition, the French agencies also plan to collaborate on DUNE, an international flagship science project that will unlock the mysteries of neutrinos.
From Tech Princess, Dec. 5, 2018: L’Italia firma l’accordo internazionale di collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica con gli Stati Uniti per la realizzazione del PIP-II, un nuovo acceleratore lineare di protoni per l’esperimento DUNE.
From MeteoWeb, Dec. 5, 2018: L’Italia con l’INFN fornirè contributi determinanti per la costruzione dell’acceleratore di particelle che sarà il fulcro del progetto PIP-II
The agreement launches a multinational collaboration to build a powerful new accelerator at DOE’s Fermilab complex. Italy and its National Institute of Nuclear Physics will provide major contributions to the construction of the 176-meter-long superconducting particle accelerator that is the centerpiece of the PIP-II project.
From World Nuclear News, Aug. 20, 2018: An intergovernmental agreement on a neutrino physics collaboration, signed with Fermilab in April, has opened the possibility of for in-kind contributions by the two countries to each other’s neutrino projects.
From Agencia FAPESP, Aug. 8, 2018: A longstanding partnership between the Brazilian scientific community and Fermilab is getting stronger, thanks in part to FAPESP’s research funding programs.
From Agência FAPESP, July 19, 2018: Uma parceria duradoura entre a comunidade científica brasileira e o Fermilab está se tornando mais forte, graças aos programas da FAPESP de financiamento à pesquisa.