
151 - 160 of 275 results

Joel Butler elected AAAS fellow

Butler was one of 416 AAAS members nominated this year as fellows by their peers. He was recognized for distinguished contributions to the field of experimental particle physics, particularly for pioneering experiments in heavy flavor physics, and the leadership of large international experimental collaborations. New fellows will be presented with an official certificate and a rosette pin on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019, during the 2019 AAAS Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Obituary: Leon Lederman

    From The Chicago Maroon, Oct. 18, 2018: The particle physicist and Nobel laureate also helped found a publicly funded math and science academy for Illinois teenagers.

    Top 10 Illinois scientists

      From Illinois Public Radio’s The 21st, Oct. 15, 2018: Fermilab archivist Valerie Higgins appears on Illinois Public Radio to talk about Enrico Fermi and Leon Lederman. Segment starts at 41:20