50th memories: the Fermilab Canoe Race
Sept. 30, 1979, about 1:45 p.m.: SNAP!! Gerd Hartner, in the bow of his canoe at the race starting position, dipped his paddle in the water, gave a mighty first pull and, to his astonishment, broke it in half.
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Sept. 30, 1979, about 1:45 p.m.: SNAP!! Gerd Hartner, in the bow of his canoe at the race starting position, dipped his paddle in the water, gave a mighty first pull and, to his astonishment, broke it in half.
When the power goes out, what’s our first priority?
Barish explains how LIGO became the high-achieving experiment it is today.
Fantastical designs elevate physics in works by Fermilab’s first artist.
SLAC engineer Knut Skarpaas designs some of physics’ most challenging machines, finding inspiration in unexpected places.
Grace C. Young is fascinated by fundamental questions about realms both quantum and undersea.
Dr. Betz was known, at Fermilab, for creating and overseeing the prairie planting project.
This experimental physicist has followed the ICARUS neutrino detector from Gran Sasso to Geneva to Chicago.
As a TARGET student last year, Hein helped create a Python course for other TARGET students. Now he’s back teaching as an extended intern.