11 - 20 of 51 results

Student internships at DOE labs

    From Community College Daily, July 26, 2021: Moraine Valley Community College in Illinois has six students participating in Department of Science internships this summer, four are at Fermilab. These ten to 16-week internships increase students’ confidence levels, offer professional development, technical writing training and networking with scientists.

    A STEM festival to rethink school

      From Il Sole 24 ORE, March 30, 2021: Fermilab’s Anna Grasselino is mentioned in this STEM story as a role model for young women and her participation in the Women in STEM conference.

      A brief history of women of Fermilab

      No aspect of Fermilab, past or present — the accomplishments of the Tevatron, the popular Arts and Lecture Series, the education efforts, the world-leading neutrino program — would be what it is today without the contributions of women. This International Women’s Day, we honor their contributions.