Do hidden influences give neutrinos their tiny mass?
The quest to understand the small mass of neutrinos is also a quest to discover new particles.
11 - 20 of 49 results
The quest to understand the small mass of neutrinos is also a quest to discover new particles.
From Big Think, October 25, 2022: Don Lincoln explores the two theories of gravity from Newton and Einstein. Due to astronomers observations of gravitational waves recorded in 2017, we now know that gravity and light travel at the same speed.
From The Conversation, May 6, 2021: A recent series of precise measurements in the LHCb, Muon g-2 and CDF experiments have threatened to shake up physics. Now, the LHC is gearing up to run at higher energy and intensity than ever before to make very precise measurements that will test the predictions of theories by looking for deviations from the Standard Model.
Neglected theories will wilt and wither but can bloom again with enough attention.
Physicists are revisiting what they previously assumed about how dark matter interacts with itself.
From The Conversation, December 21, 2021: Aaron McGowan, Principal Lecturer in Physics and Astronomy at the Rochester Institute of Technology explores research in 2021 in which physicists around the world ran a number of experiments that probed the Standard Model. From Higgs Boson, to Muon g-2 and the restart of the LHC at CERN, McGowan highlights some of the ways the Standard Model fails to explain every mystery of the universe.
From Physics World, December 1, 2021: Researchers say there are gaps in the theory of neutrino-nucleus interactions and that improving this theory is crucial if next-generation neutrino detectors such as the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) in the U.S. and Hyper-Kamiokande in Japan are to realize their full potential.
From Scientific American, September 14, 2021: Fermilab theorist Marcela Carena writes about the ever changing behavior of muons and the first result of the Muon g-2 experiment that suggested muons were not acting as current theory prescribes in an article titled, “Weird muons may point to new particles and forces of nature,” posted in Scientific American.
From Sciences et Avenir (France), August 6, 2021: Two recent physics experiments, Muon g-2 and the LHCb, have upset the whole physics of matter possibly finding new forces. Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment measured the muon’s magnetic moment confirming the Brookhaven result that revealed it didn’t match the theory.
From Portable TV, I Don’t Understand, July 18, 2021: William Shatner interviews Saskia Charity of Fermilab on what is a muon and the meaning of the Muon g-2 experiment result.