11 - 20 of 21 results

Caldwell manufactures transport frame for cryomodules

    From Engineering Update, January 6, 2022: Illinois-based Caldwell Group Inc. has customized a lifting frame that may be used in the summer of 2022 during transatlantic transportation of cryomodules to Fermilab for the Proton Improvement Program II (PIP-II) project. STFC-UKRI in the UK designed and assembled the lifting frame to meet impact, vibration, lifting, and transport load requirements in both the United States and Europe.

    How 2021 brought us a lot closer to the Theory of Everything

      From Business AM (Belgium), January 1, 2022: In 2021, physicists around the world conducted some interesting experiments examining the Standard Model and ways it can’t explain every mystery of the universe. Last April, members of the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab announced their first measurement of the muon’s magnetic moment. This experiment was important was because the measurement did not perfectly match the Standard Model’s prediction of the magnetic moment.