351 - 360 of 2051 results

Gamma rays and gravitational lensing provide hints of dark matter

    From Physics World, March 24, 2020: Scientists using the first year of data from the Dark Energy Survey, which is led by Fermilab, establish that there is a correlation between the positions of gravitational lenses — deduced from the stretching of distant galaxies — and gamma-ray photons. A data comparison from gravitational lensing and gamma-ray observations reveals that regions of the sky with greater concentrations of matter emit more gamma rays.

    HL-LHC superconducting quadrupole sets record

      From CERN Courier, March 23, 2020: A quadrupole magnet for the High-Luminosity LHC has been tested successfully in the U.S., attaining a conductor peak field of 11.4 tesla — a record for a focusing magnet ready for installation in an accelerator. The device is based on the superconductor niobium-tin and is one of several quadrupoles being built by U.S. labs and CERN for the HL-LHC, where they will squeeze the proton beams more tightly within the ATLAS and CMS experiments to produce a higher luminosity.

      Partnership between the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory leads to new methods of quantum communication

        From The Chicago Maroon, March 22, 2020: The University of Chicago, working with scientists from Argonne National Laboratory, has developed a new fiber-optic quantum loop to expand quantum communication experiments. Along with the UChicago quantum loop, Argonne is working with Fermilab to plan and develop a similar two-way quantum link network.

        Is ‘Planet 9’ next? Staggering haul of 139 minor planets found in outer solar system

          From Forbes, March 16, 2020: Researchers using data from the Fermilab-led Dark Energy Survey have identified more than 300 trans-Neptunian objects — minor planets located in the far reaches of the solar system — including well over 100 new discoveries. The research pioneers a new technique that could help astronomers in the search for undiscovered planets — including the mysterious “Planet 9.”

          The power of attraction: magnets in particle accelerators

          Accelerator magnets — how do they work? Depending on the number of poles a magnet has, it bends, shapes or shores up the stability of particle beams as they shoot at velocities close to the speed of light. Experts design magnets so they can wield the beam in just the right way to yield the physics they’re after. Here’s your primer on particle accelerator magnets.

          Three national laboratories achieve record magnetic field for accelerator focusing magnet

          Fermilab, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have achieved a milestone in magnet technology. Earlier this year, their new magnet reached the highest field strength ever recorded for an accelerator focusing magnet. It will also be the first niobium-tin quadrupole magnet to operate in a particle accelerator — in this case, the future High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

          Devs, determinism and maybe-dead cats

            From Northern Public Radio’s The STEM Read Podcast, March 13, 2020: Then Gillian King-Cargile interviews Fermilab Education and Public Outreach Head Rebecca Thompson to unpack the topics of quantum mechanics, determinism and quantum computing. Thompson is the creator of the Spectra comic book series and author of “Fire, Ice, and Physics: The Science of Game of Thrones.”