Author Archive

From the Black Hills Pioneer, November 12, 2022: How do you fit a 3.5 ton piece of steel that is 6 meters long and 2.5 meters wide safely down the Ross Shaft at Sanford Lab? Justin Evans, a professor at Manchester University, explains how the anode plane assembly traveled from the UK to Lead, SD and its roles as a key component to the DUNE experiment.

From Science, November 9, 2022: DOE’s Office of Science announced how it will distribute the $1.55 billion provided by the Inflation Reduction Act. Read how the office allocated funding in amounts ranging from $650,000 to $256 million to more than 52 projects already in the works, including Fermilab.

From the CERN Courier, Nov. 8, 2022: Editor Matthew Chalmers spoke with Lia Merminga on her love of physics, her goals as Fermilab director and what can be done to carve a path for future female lab directors.

The U.S. Department of Energy allocated funds to its 17 national laboratories from the Inflation Reduction Act to mitigate the rise of project costs as a result of inflation. Fermilab will spend the funding on the lab’s on-going construction projects. This will allow the lab’s major projects to uphold their schedules and keep their commitment to international collaborators.

From Big Think, Nov. 2, 2022: Don Lincoln explores Hubble tension, two very precise yet conflicting estimates of the rate at which the Universe is expanding. While the of Universe expansion is consistent, the two ways in which this is measured begs the question if something is missing in cosmology theory.

From the Universities Research Association, October 31, 2022: Brynn MacCoy is a physics doctoral candidate at the University of Washington and the Fall 2019 URA Visiting Scholar Program (VSP) Awardee. With an extension of URA assistance, MacCoy returned to Fermilab earlier this year allowing her to install the Minimally Intrusive Scintillating Fiber Detector.

From UChicago News, October 26, 2022: The University of Chicago announced a new $148 million fellowship initiative that will train the next generation of scientists combining research in AI and science fields, including physics, astronomy and biology. The fellowship will begin in January 2023 and include Fermilab, Argonne, UChicago Data Science Institute and the Marine Biological Laboratory.

From the DOE Office of Science, October 26, 2022: Congratulations to Fermilab’s Dr. Marcela Carena on being named Distinguished Scientist Fellow by the Department of Energy for her leadership and influential contributions to particle physics. Read more about this honor as well as who the other recipient is this year.

From Naperville Community Television, October 26, 2022: This past April, Lia Merminga made history, becoming the first female director of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, better Naperville Community Television talks with Merminga on her journey that led her to her role at Fermilab.

From Big Think, October 25, 2022: Don Lincoln explores the two theories of gravity from Newton and Einstein. Due to astronomers observations of gravitational waves recorded in 2017, we now know that gravity and light travel at the same speed.