What is neutral naturalness?
Indirectly testing this theory, motivated by the mysterious mass of the Higgs boson, could be within reach for experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.
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Indirectly testing this theory, motivated by the mysterious mass of the Higgs boson, could be within reach for experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.
Fermilab and India’s Department of Atomic Energy institutions enjoy a strong partnership, further strengthened by Indian scientists assisting with work on the new particle accelerator.
New results from a neutrino telescope and a gravitational-wave observatory show how astronomers use different forms of messengers to study the cosmos.
A group called the Big Bang Collective sets up physics discovery stations at rather unexpected venues: music festivals.
Prototyping is an indispensable step in the development of particle physics experiments like DUNE and projects like PIP-II.
To build the DUNE neutrino experiment and its associated accelerator upgrade, experts invent customized ways to transport fragile, expensive and highly specialized components.
The 10-meter-long cryomodule, part of the PIP-II particle accelerator project at Fermilab, is now undergoing testing to validate all its components and finalize its design. In a few years, Fermilab and international partners will produce four similar cryomodules that will propel particles in the new linear accelerator.
Anton Zeilinger, who received the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, pioneered research on quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping. These technologies are instrumental in the success of the Illinois-Express Quantum Network, which recently published a paper outlining its design concepts and implementation. The technologies are also the basis for the quantum devices that generate the network.
Construction may now begin on the PIP-II Linac Complex. The tunnel and building will house the new linear particle accelerator that will power the physics programs and neutrino research at Fermilab for the coming decades.
To prepare for the shipment of large, delicate particle accelerator components from the UK to Fermilab, the PIP-II team flew a “dummy load” across the Atlantic Ocean, recording every little bump the dummy experienced. After careful validation of all transportation data, the team will ship a 10-meter-long prototype cryomodule early next year.