Another year wiser
In honor of Fermilab’s upcoming 50th birthday, Symmetry presents physics birthday cards.
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In honor of Fermilab’s upcoming 50th birthday, Symmetry presents physics birthday cards.
An enormous neutrino detector named ICARUS unites physics labs in Italy, Switzerland and the United States.
The third detection of gravitational waves from merging black holes provides a new test of the theory of general relativity.
How did the proton, photon and other particles get their names?
The Heavy Photon Search at Jefferson Lab is looking for a hypothetical particle from a hidden “dark sector.”
From The Courier-News, May 23, 2017: A bison that Fermilab gave up for adoption by the Elgin Zoo now has a name.
From CERN Courier, May 19, 2017: Former Fermilab archivist and historian Adrienne Kolb recounts how, 50 years ago, U.S. physicists established a new laboratory and with it a new approach to carrying out frontier research in high-energy physics.
From the Kane County Chronicle, May 17, 2017: Geneva resident Jim Jenkins has been chosen as Fermilab’s third artist-in-residence, and has big plans for his tenure.
At a recent workshop on blind analysis, researchers discussed how to keep their expectations out of their results.