511 - 520 of 563 results
The Planck scale
The Planck scale sets the universe’s minimum limit, beyond which the laws of physics break.
Why do objects feel solid?
A reader asks, “If atoms are mostly empty space, then why does anything feel solid?” James Beacham, a researcher with the ATLAS Experiment Group at Ohio State University, explains in this two-minute video.
Mommy, Daddy, where does mass come from?
The Higgs field gives mass to elementary particles, but most of our mass comes from somewhere else.
Following LIGO’s treasure maps
Astronomers around the world are looking for visible sources of gravitational waves.
A GUT feeling about physics
Scientists want to connect the fundamental forces of nature in one Grand Unified Theory.
The hottest job in physics?
Accelerator scientists are in demand at labs and beyond.
Eight things you might not know about light
Light is all around us, but how much do you really know about the photons speeding past you?
Five fascinating facts about DUNE
One: The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment will look for more than just neutrinos.
Physicists build ultrapowerful accelerator magnet
A partnership between three national U.S. laboratories and CERN to upgrade the LHC has yielded the strongest accelerator magnet ever created.