Fermilab photo contest winners chosen; will advance to international competition
The judges have spoken, and the winners have been chosen in this year’s Fermilab Photowalk competition.
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The judges have spoken, and the winners have been chosen in this year’s Fermilab Photowalk competition.
Five physicists will enter, only one will leave … with a prize, that is.
Calling all nature lovers. How would you like the chance to help diversify one of the oldest prairie restorations in Illinois?
The University of Notre Dame has received a five-year, $6.1 million award from the National Science Foundation to support the nationwide QuarkNet program, which has inspired teachers and students alike for 15 years.
Eight billion years ago, rays of light from distant galaxies began their long journey to Earth. That ancient starlight has now found its way to a mountaintop in Chile, where the newly constructed Dark Energy Camera, the most powerful sky-mapping machine ever created, has captured and recorded it for the first time.
Today, technicians in Minnesota will begin to position the first block of a detector that will be part of the largest, most advanced neutrino experiment in North America.
The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced today that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America’s leading particle physics laboratory.
Have you read about the Higgs boson in the news? Want to find out what it is, if it’s been discovered at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, and what it means for you? Come to Fermilab in Batavia on Sunday, July 29, from 1-3 p.m. to learn about the Higgs and have your questions answered.
Physicists on experiments at the Large Hadron Collider announced today that they have observed a new particle. Whether the particle has the properties of the predicted Higgs boson remains to be seen.
After more than 10 years of gathering and analyzing data produced by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Tevatron collider, scientists from the CDF and DZero collaborations have found their strongest indication to date for the long-sought Higgs particle.