Fermilab appointed new chief engineer to usher in the next era of physics research
Mayling Wong-Squires has been named chief engineer at Fermilab.
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Mayling Wong-Squires has been named chief engineer at Fermilab.
The students received the prestigious U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award to conduct their doctoral research at Fermilab.
The addition of a new research facility on site is a landmark for both engineering and sustainability.
The powerful camera built for the Dark Energy Survey has taken more than 1 million photos from its perch in Chile. Here are some of the best.
Koch has assumed the leadership role previously held by Jim Sauls, who will remain active at SQMS.
Effective Sept. 6, Bonnie Fleming stepped into her new role, responsible for leading all areas of science and technology.
Fermilab welcomed IN2P3 director Reynald Pain and four other members of his leadership team on Sept. 2. IN2P3 is a major partner of the PIP-II particle accelerator project and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
A postdoc on the PIP-II project, Wijethunga is working on investigating the presence of an electron cloud in the Fermilab Booster.
Scientists at the SQMS Center have directly probed silicon’s impact on the lifespan of superconducting qubits. The uniquely sensitive measurement helped researchers quantify how the material impacts qubit performance.
Consul General Alan Gogbashian of the British Consulate in Chicago and U.K. scientific leaders visited the lab on Aug. 24 to discuss ongoing and emerging collaborations as well as tour research facilities.