Celebrate the dark (matter) this Halloween with Dark Matter Day: The Return
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Join in with Dark Matter Day events online and around the world.
Leon Lederman, a trailblazing researcher with a passion for science education who served as Fermilab’s director from 1978 to 1989 and won the Nobel Prize for discovery of the muon neutrino, died peacefully on Oct. 3 in Rexburg, Idaho. He was 96.
The new building will provide lab space and serve as a hub for collaboration for international teams of scientists, engineers, and technicians working on several key programs at Fermilab.
Fermilab scientists are adapting the lab’s cutting-edge accelerator technology for qubits and quantum sensors.
Photographers from Italy, the UK and Canada won professional and public votes.
The American Physical Society Fellowship is a distinction awarded each year to no more than one-half of 1 percent of current APS members by their peers.
New, flexible power modulators give accelerator operators more precise control over particle beams.
Behind some of the world’s biggest scientific instruments are teams with a set of skills you can’t find anywhere else.
The federal grants will support University of Chicago, Argonne and Fermilab in their explorations of quantum computing, dark matter, and imaging.
Even though the ProtoDUNE time projection chambers are small compared to the planned DUNE far detectors, the data volume that these detectors produce are similar in size to what is coming out of the largest LHC experiments.