Theorists imagine a different kind of dark matter
Physicists are revisiting what they previously assumed about how dark matter interacts with itself.
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Physicists are revisiting what they previously assumed about how dark matter interacts with itself.
Researchers from more than 50 countries collaborate with Fermilab to develop state-of-the-art technologies and solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space and time. Take a look at 10 ways Fermilab and its partners advanced science and technology in 2021.
Scientists at the Fermilab-led Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center have discovered that nanohydrides, variants of an imperfection found in advanced superconducting materials for particle accelerators, also affect industrially produced superconducting qubits.
The Secretary of Energy toured America’s premier particle physics and accelerator laboratory and discussed cutting-edge research on neutrinos, accelerators, quantum information science and more.
As part of the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, a UK-US collaboration is preparing for industrial scale production of large particle detector components. This fall, it’s taking the first ones for a final test-drive.
Large, powerful magnets are a vital component of particle accelerators. The general rule is, the stronger the magnetic field, the better. For many particle accelerator applications, it is as important how fast a magnet can reach its peak strength and then ramp down again. A team at Fermilab now has achieved the world’s fastest ramping rates for accelerator magnets using high-temperature superconductors.
Inspired by the achievements of Jim Gates, currently Ford Foundation professor and director of the Brown University Theoretical Physics Center, the new Fermilab Sylvester James Gates, Jr. Fellowship prioritizes the inclusion of first-generation college graduates, and the representation of historically and contemporarily minoritized individuals underrepresented in theoretical physics.
Nigel Lockyer has received this prestigious award from the DOE’s Office of Science in recognition of his outstanding achievement and service to the nation through eight years as the director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
A little over a year into construction, the structure of the building that will house the cryogenic equipment for the PIP-II particle accelerator is largely complete.
Accelerator experts at three national labs have advanced the next generation of cryomodules, the building blocks of particle accelerators. A prototype built for the high-energy upgrade of SLAC’s LCLS-II X-ray laser has advanced the state of the art, packing more acceleration into a smaller distance, and could dramatically improve future accelerators.