
From Physics Today, June 1, 2021: How do you transport a 15 000-kilogram magnetic ring with the same width as a basketball court from central Long Island to suburban Chicago? In 2011 Fermilab shut down its particle collider, the Tevatron, which made space to host a project like Muon g – 2, to house the high-intensity proton source that would generate the muons.

From Cosmos, May 29, 2021: The Dark Energy Survey collaboration released the most precise look at the universe’s evolution to understand dark matter and dark energy by studying how they shape the large-scale structure of the universe.

From Physics Today, June 1, 2021: How the Muon g-2 results from Brookhaven and Fermilab have challenged the standard model. Fermilab’s Chris Polly talks about the Brookhaven experiment, moving the magnetic ring and what the Fermilab results mean to the standard model and particle physics.

From Laboratory Equipment, May 31, 2021: Fermilab engineer Bill Pellico wondered if it would be possible to make the interior cameras movable using liquid argon detectors to inspect the inside of detectors.