Anna Grassellino awarded New Horizons Prize in fundamental physics September 22, 2022 awardSQMSSQMS CenterFermilab feature Grassellino received a 2023 New Horizons in Physics Prize as a researcher for her work and impact in the particle accelerator technology and quantum science fields.
Fermilab announces Bonnie Fleming as new deputy director and chief research officer September 15, 2022 leadershipFermilab feature Effective Sept. 6, Bonnie Fleming stepped into her new role, responsible for leading all areas of science and technology.
Delegation from French national research institute IN2P3 visits Fermilab September 15, 2022 tourVIPFermilab feature Fermilab welcomed IN2P3 director Reynald Pain and four other members of his leadership team on Sept. 2. IN2P3 is a major partner of the PIP-II particle accelerator project and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
A minute with Sajini Wijethunga, PIP-II postdoctoral researcher September 8, 2022 peoplePIP-IIFermilab feature A postdoc on the PIP-II project, Wijethunga is working on investigating the presence of an electron cloud in the Fermilab Booster.
New measurements point to silicon as a major contributor to performance limitations in superconducting quantum processors September 7, 2022 qubitsSQMSSQMS CenterFermilab feature Scientists at the SQMS Center have directly probed silicon’s impact on the lifespan of superconducting qubits. The uniquely sensitive measurement helped researchers quantify how the material impacts qubit performance.
Fermilab welcomes British Consul General and UKRI-STFC delegation September 7, 2022 tourVIPFermilab feature Consul General Alan Gogbashian of the British Consulate in Chicago and U.K. scientific leaders visited the lab on Aug. 24 to discuss ongoing and emerging collaborations as well as tour research facilities.
How the Five National Quantum Information Science Research Centers harness the quantum revolution August 26, 2022 NQISRCquantum information scienceSQMSSQMS CenterFermilab feature The centers are a collective force for quantum information science in the United States, driving scientific innovation, building a quantum ecosystem and fostering the future quantum workforce.
Preparing for a more powerful particle accelerator August 25, 2022 CMSHL-LHCFermilab feature An international collaboration is upgrading the CMS detector at CERN to handle the increased number of collisions that the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider will produce.
Accelerator operators: pillars of particle physics August 23, 2022 accelerator operationparticle acceleratorSymmetry feature It takes years of on-the-job training to learn the ins and outs of particle accelerator operation.
Design thinking and the Disco-tracker August 16, 2022 artATLASLHCSymmetry feature As part of a class on design thinking, a graduate student turned her research topic into an art installation resembling a giant disco ball.