Fermilab Fellow Jennifer Ngadiuba receives Early Career Scientist Prize in Particle Physics August 6, 2024 CMSICHEPFermilab feature During a ceremony at ICHEP, Ngadiuba’s contributions to ultra-fast machine learning techniques and anomaly detection were recognized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
Brazilian researchers discover new way to purify liquid argon for neutrino experiments August 2, 2024 DUNEliquid argonFermilab feature Physicists use large particle detectors filled with liquid argon to study neutrinos. Brazilian scientists discovered that a commercially available material can significantly reduce the amount of nitrogen in liquid argon, which improves the detection of neutrino interactions.
Experiment uses quantum techniques to stimulate photons, enhancing search for dark matter July 22, 2024 dark matteremerging technologiesquantumFermilab feature Scientists at Fermilab and University of Chicago used a superconducting qubit to prepare a microwave cavity in a special state to stimulate photons. They hope this technology will help detect the existence of dark matter.
IBM intends to partner with Fermilab’s SQMS Center to advance critical quantum information science initiatives July 18, 2024 partnershipquantum computingSQMSSQMS CenterPress release IBM plans to join Fermilab’s SQMS Center to further accelerate critical technologies and applications of superconducting quantum systems and expand quantum workforce development programs.
Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino receives prestigious Marisa Bellisario Award July 9, 2024 Anna GrasselinoawardSQMSwomen in STEMPress release The Italian Marisa Bellisario Award was presented to Anna Grassellino, an Italian and American scientist with Fermilab who was recognized in the international category for her scientific work and leadership.
Fermilab announces new high school student technician apprenticeship and lab engineering innovation support June 25, 2024 DOEengineeringtechnicianPress release DOE Office of Science will support two new areas of growth for Fermilab: high school student apprenticeship to expand the technicians’ teams and lab engineers in the development of innovative ideas.
Revived technology utilized to count individual photons from distant galaxies June 24, 2024 cosmologyphotonsSkipper CCDPress release Enabled by a U.S. Department of Energy program, a collaboration of scientists from Fermilab, UChicago, NOIRLab and other institutions demonstrated that skipper-CCD detectors can be utilized to improve cosmology research
New NOvA results add to mystery of neutrinos June 18, 2024 neutrinoNOvAPress release The international collaboration presented their first results with new data in four years, featuring a new low-energy sample of electron neutrinos and a dataset doubled in size.
Fermilab opens new QUIET underground quantum information science laboratory June 12, 2024 emerging technologiesquantum information sciencequbitssuperconducting technologyPress release The new state-of-the-art QUIET laboratory will study the performance of qubits isolated from cosmic radiation. Its above ground counterpart is LOUD and together they will enable controlled experiments of quantum sensors.
Fermilab names Jim Kerby as LBNF/DUNE-US project director June 4, 2024 LBNF/DUNEleadershipPress release Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced Jim Kerby as project director for Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (LBNF/DUNE-US) He will be responsible for managing all aspects of the project in the U.S. as Fermilab leads the execution of the largest international DOE project ever hosted on U.S. soil.