Fermilab named a Historic Site by the American Physical Society June 10, 2015 American Physical SocietyAPShistoryPress release The American Physical Society has recognized Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory as a Historic Site for its nearly five decades of contributions to high-energy physics.
Energy Department seeks public input on neutrino project at Fermilab/Sanford Lab June 8, 2015 Deep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNELBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityPress release The U.S. Department of Energy invites interested citizens to review and comment on the possible environmental effects of building and operating the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility and the associated Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
U.S. joins the world in a new era of research at the Large Hadron Collider June 3, 2015 CERNCMSLarge Hadron ColliderLHCU.S. CMSPress release Today scientists at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the European research facility, started recording data from the highest-energy particle collisions ever achieved on Earth.
Two Large Hadron Collider experiments first to observe rare subatomic process May 13, 2015 CERNCMSLarge Hadron ColliderLHCbparticle decayU.S. CMSPress release Two experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, have combined their results and observed a previously unseen subatomic process.
New baby bison born at Fermilab April 28, 2015 bisonPress release A bison calf was born early on Saturday, April 25, at Fermilab. About 12 more calves are expected this spring. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory welcomes the public to come see the latest addition to its herd of American bison.
ICARUS neutrino experiment to move to Fermilab April 22, 2015 CERNICARUSneutrinoSBNDShort-Baseline Neutrino programPress release A group of scientists led by Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia will transport the world’s largest liquid-argon neutrino detector across the Atlantic Ocean to its new home at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
High school students get real-world advice at Fermilab STEM Career Expo April 22 April 14, 2015 educationSTEMPress release The annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Career Expo, held in the atrium of Wilson Hall, puts students face to face with people actually doing the jobs they will be applying for in the coming years.
Mapping the cosmos: Dark Energy Survey creates detailed guide to spotting dark matter April 13, 2015 Dark Energy CameraDark Energy Surveydark matterDECamDESPress release Scientists on the Dark Energy Survey have released the first in a series of dark matter maps of the cosmos. These maps, created with one of the world’s most powerful digital cameras, are the largest contiguous maps created at this level of detail and will improve our understanding of dark matter’s role in the formation of galaxies.
Absence of gravitational-wave signal extends limit on knowable universe April 9, 2015 Holometerspace-timeFermilab feature Imagine an instrument that can measure motions a billion times smaller than an atom that last a millionth of a second. Fermilab’s Holometer is currently the only machine with the ability to take these very precise measurements of space and time, and recently collected data has improved the limits on theories about exotic objects from the early universe.
U.S. scientists celebrate the restart of the Large Hadron Collider April 5, 2015 CERNCMScollaborationLarge Hadron ColliderLHCUSLHCPress release With the Large Hadron Collider back in action, the more than 1,700 U.S. scientists who work on LHC experiments are prepared to join thousands of their international colleagues to study the highest-energy particle collisions ever achieved in the laboratory.