
51 - 60 of 523 results

Lab, scientists celebrate successful test for DUNE experiment

    From the Black Hills Pioneer, November 12, 2022: How do you fit a 3.5 ton piece of steel that is 6 meters long and 2.5 meters wide safely down the Ross Shaft at Sanford Lab? Justin Evans, a professor at Manchester University, explains how the anode plane assembly traveled from the UK to Lead, SD and its roles as a key component to the DUNE experiment.

    Clash of the Titans

      From Science, September 29, 2022: Fermilab’s DUNE and Japan’s Hyper-K experiments are building similar yet different projects that will study neutrino oscillations and search for CP violation in hopes it will lead to answers on how the newborn universe generated more matter than antimatter. Read more on how these two projects are progressing, how they differ and how they might answer more about the elusive neutrino.

      Neutrinos & the mystery of the universe’s matter

        From Science News, September 22, 2022: Emily Conover explains in this video why the universe contain so much more matter than antimatter told through the lens of a classic, 8-bit video game, with matter and antimatter locked in an epic battle for cosmic supremacy. Experiments like DUNE will examine ghostly subatomic particles known as neutrinos to provide clues.

        NSF, Department of Energy Grants Enable Physicists to Continue Cutting-Edge Research in Neutrino Discovery

          From Syracuse University, September 18, 2022: Researchers at Syracuse University have received two new grants that will expand their work with physicists from around the world on projects that include MicroBooNE, DUNE and NOvA. The support comes from the NSF and DOE and will enable graduate and undergraduate students to work on everything from detector construction and operation at Fermilab and Syracuse, to final data analysis and software development.

          Long-baseline neutrino experiments march on

            From, August 3, 2022: Fermilab’s NOvA experiment reports analysis on oscillation data delivering some of the most accurate estimates to date describing neutrino oscillations and providing important hints on two important aspects of neutrino physics—the ordering of neutrino masses and the degree of charge-parity (CP) violation. These results set the stage for the next generation of “long-baseline” experiments, like Hyper-K and DUNE, which will dramatically boost our ability to probe elusive aspects of neutrino physics.