
From Forbes, Sept. 8, 2021: The Standard Model provides the framework of all the known and discovered fundamental particles, but has no way of providing expected values for what masses each particle should possess. Fermilab’s Main Ring, in operation for 25 years by physicists who used the accelerator for experiments, helped to create our current picture of the ultimate structure of matter, the Standard Model of particle interactions.

From WORT 89.9 FM-Madison WI, Aug. 26, 2021: General Counsel for Fermilab, John Myer, talks with 89.9 FM hosts, Ankur Malhotra and Austin Exum, about the major projects and practical applications of the research performed at Fermilab.

From the California News Times, June 9, 2021: There is a new robotics project at Fermilab called Argonaut and its mission is to sail into a sea of liquid argon kept at minus 193 degrees Celsius to monitor the condition inside the ultra-low temperature particle detector.

From Smithsonian Magazine, May 13, 2021: A group of scientists say the phenomenon could indicate dark matter speeding through our world at more than 300 miles a second. Fermilab’s Dan Hooper is quoted in this story about the study of flashes seen in ordinary lightning storms showing evidence of super-dense chunks of dark matter as they zip through our atmosphere.

From the CERN Courier, May 3, 2021: Fermilab’s Muon g-2 result announcement strengthened the longstanding tension between the measured and predicted values of the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment.