Sanford Lab

41 - 50 of 80 results

DUNE collaboration completes Interim Design Report for gigantic particle detectors

    From Michigan State University, Aug. 22, 2018: DUNE scientist Kendall Mahn of Michigan State University is featured in this article on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, which recently published its Interim Design Report.

    Why is the universe full of matter? UT Arlington physicist helps global team get closer to an answer

      From Dallas Morning News, June 28, 2018: Members of the world’s particle physics community are launching the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment to understand the early universe. For Fermilab user Jaehoon Yu, DUNE also opens possibilities beyond curiosity-driven research.

      Neutrino Day speaker: Engineering for big science

        From Sanford Underground Research Facility’s Deep Thoughts, June 4, 2018: Building the largest international neutrino experiment on U.S. soil requires innovative engineering solutions. Fermilab Deputy Director for LBNF Chris Mossey gives us a glimpse of the challenges of building the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility.