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Muon conundrum
From Frontline, July 19, 2018: The Indian magazine gives an overview of the Muon g-2 experiment.
DUNE collaboration completes Interim Design Report for gigantic particle detectors
- Armenia
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Czech Republic
- Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
- dune-international
- Finland
- France
- Greece
- India
- internationality
- Iran
- Italy
- Japan
- Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility
- Madagascar
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Poland
- Portugal
- ProtoDUNE
- Romania
- Russia
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
Experience gained during the construction of prototype detectors paves the way toward the final design of the DUNE detectors.
Fermilab destaca apoio da FAPESP ao Dune
- Brazil
- Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
- international relations
- internationality
- Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility
- neutrino
From Agência FAPESP, July 19, 2018: Uma parceria duradoura entre a comunidade científica brasileira e o Fermilab está se tornando mais forte, graças aos programas da FAPESP de financiamento à pesquisa.
LHC accelerates its first “atoms”
Lead atoms with a single remaining electron circulated in the Large Hadron Collider.
Fisica, Fermilab: approvato il progetto Pip-II (Proton Improvement Plan II)
From Meteoweb, July 26, 2018: Il Fermi National Acceleratory Laboratory (Fermilab), uno dei più importanti centri per la fisica delle particelle degli USA, ha registrato un importante traguardo.
A dozen new moons of Jupiter discovered, including one “oddball”
From Carnegie Science, July 16, 2018: The Dark Energy Camera was one of the instruments used to make the finds.
UK delivers super-cool kit to USA for next-generation dark matter experiment
From STFC, July 17, 2018: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory delivers components for the LZ experiment in the Sanford Underground Research Laboratory.
A caccia di materia oscura in antichi minerali
From Le Scienze, July 16, 2018: Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper is quoted in this Italian article on new research to find dark matter in stones.
Accelerator excellence
Fermilab’s Lia Merminga talks to Symmetry about her early experiences in STEM and her drive to solve science’s unanswered questions.