Scientific Linux: Created for physics, now used in medicine
Did you know that imaging scanners at the hospital next door could be running the same operating system as Fermilab’s particle accelerators and experiments?
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Did you know that imaging scanners at the hospital next door could be running the same operating system as Fermilab’s particle accelerators and experiments?
See Fermilab physicist Anne Schukraft’s answers to readers’ questions about neutrinos.
Why can a neutrino pass through solid objects? Watch the four-minute, Harry Potter-inspired explanation.
From CERN Courier, Feb. 15, 2017: CERN makes rapid progress towards prototype detectors for the international DUNE experiment.
Jerry Zimmerman, known to many as the beloved Mr. Freeze, is a jack of all trades at Fermilab.
Standard Model predictions align with the LHCb experiment’s observation of an uncommon decay.
Berkeley Lab is leading the construction of a mile-deep experiment that seeks to solve a science mystery.
New experiments will help astronomers uncover the sources that helped make the universe transparent.
From NIU Today, Feb. 1, 2017: The U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation have appointed Michael Syphers, a senior research professor of physics at NIU and former Fermilab physicist, to serve as a member of the national High Energy Physics Advisory Panel.