Cómo aclarar la diferencia entre neutrinos y antineutrinos
From Sinc, Nov. 30, 2018: Spanish media piece on researchers at the University of Valencia working on DUNE.
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From Sinc, Nov. 30, 2018: Spanish media piece on researchers at the University of Valencia working on DUNE.
During the short heavy-ion run at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, every moment counts. As one scientist puts it, experimenters have “four weeks to collect all the data we will use for the next three years.” The data arising from LHC’s collisions of heavy nuclei, such as lead, will be used to study the properties of a very hot and dense subatomic material called the quark-gluon plasma.
From Daily Herald, Nov. 28, 2018: Pop star and physics buff Micky Dolenz shares footage of Fermilab’s construction.
From Wired, Nov. 20, 2018: Scientists use Dark Energy Survey data to recalculate the Hubble constant.
From New Scientist, Nov. 21, 2018: Elusive though it is, the sterile neutrino would be a real boon. It could make sense of experimental anomalies stretching back decades, and give us the first confirmed glimpse of physics beyond what we know. Subscription required.
From Cosmos, Nov. 28, 2018: MiniBooNE researchers have published a paper in the journal Physical Review Letters, reporting a possible trace of a fourth neutrino, an addition to the three of the Standard Model.
From Physics World, Nov. 21, 2018: University of Portsmouth scientists used data from the Dark Energy Survey to remeasure the Hubble constant.
From The Archaeology News Network, Nov. 12, 2018: Using Dark Energy Survey data, researchers from the University of Portsmouth have come up with a new measurement of one of the most debated topics in cosmology.
Researchers demonstrate the cryogen-free operation of a superconducting radio-frequency cavity that might ease barriers to its use in societal applications.
From Science News, Nov. 26, 2018: Fermilab’s Andreas Kronfeld comments on a new study on the source of a proton’s mass.