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News highlights featuring Fermilab

691 - 700 of 1601 results

Triple threat: The first observation of three massive gauge bosons produced in proton-proton collisions

    From, Dec. 7, 2020: The CMS collaboration, a worldwide group of scientists studying particle collisions at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, has recently observed the production of three massive gauge bosons in proton-proton collisions for the first time ever. Northwestern University postdoc and Fermilab Distinguished Researcher Saptaparna Bhattacharya talks about the triboson search.

    Jump into Computer Science Education Week

      From DOE, Dec. 9, 2020: Computer Science Education Week is aimed at inspiring students to discover computer science activities and careers. The national laboratories, including Fermilab, are scheduled to host a number of activities to highlight The Department of Energy’s efforts, including increasing access to computer science education, building computational literacy, and growing the cyber workforce of the future.

      What tree rings can tell us about the spectacular death of stars

        From CNN, Nov. 28, 2020: The explosion of a supernova is so powerful that modern telescopes can see it half a universe away. A cautious person might wonder, “What would happen to Earth if this happened to a nearby star?” In this article, Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln discusses a paper from University of Colorado at Boulder’s Robert Brakenridge, who claims that he has found evidence here on Earth of nearby supernovae. What form does this evidence take? Ancient radioactive tree rings.

        Un gigantesco laboratorio de neutrinos en Dakota del Sur a kilómetro y medio de profundidad

          From Público, Nov. 24, 2020: Homestake fue la mayor y más profunda mina de oro de de Norteamérica hasta que se cerró en 2002 tras 125 años de funcionamiento. Este remoto lugar de Dakota del Sur se convirtió oficialmente en 2007 en un laboratorio subterráneo de física fundamental, aunque ya mucho antes se habían instalado en sus profundas cavernas algunos experimentos, incluido uno que mereció el premio Nobel. Ahora se anuncia la nueva etapa para convertir la mina en sede del megaproyecto científico más importante de las últimas décadas en Estados Unidos, el Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, dedicado a estudiar las partículas fundamentales llamadas neutrinos.