Online STEM Fest to be held on Oct. 31
From Northern Star, Oct. 26, 2020: Northern Illinois University’s STEM Fest features presentations and activities for all ages, including opportunities to chat with STEM experts from Fermilab and Argonne.
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From Northern Star, Oct. 26, 2020: Northern Illinois University’s STEM Fest features presentations and activities for all ages, including opportunities to chat with STEM experts from Fermilab and Argonne.
From Center for Data Innovation, Oct. 23, 2020: Fermilab Deputy Director Joe Lykken participates in a panel discussion on the impact quantum computing will have on AI and which sectors might benefit the most from their marriage. A video of the discussion is available in the post.
From Rai Play Radio, Oct. 23, 2020: Si è aperto ieri il Festival della Scienza di Genova, un’occasione per chiamare a raccolta scienziati da tutti il mondo in un momento così complicato. Per ragionare sul ruolo della scienza in questa pandemia e sugli scenari futuri della ricerca. Tra i protagonisti di questa edizione Anna Grassellino, vice direttrice dell’area tecnologia del Fermilab di Chicago, e a capo del progetto di computer quantistico Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, e Alessandro Vespignani.
From Quanta Magazine, Oct. 22, 2020: Quanta Magazine creates a new visual representation of the Standard Model, building on a scheme developed by Fermilab scientist Chris Quigg.
From APS Physics, Oct. 20, 2020: The SENSEI dark matter detector provides world-leading sensitivity for distinguishing lightweight dark matter from background noise.
From Inside HPC, Oct. 14, 2020: With the arrival of exascale computing in 2021, researchers expect to have the power to describe the underlying properties of matter and optimize and control the design of new materials and energy technologies at levels that otherwise would have been impossible. Fermilab scientist Andreas Kronfeld talks about how participation in DOE’s Exascale Computing Project can help solve complicated calculations in particle physics.
From Tech Briefs, Oct. 1, 2020: Fermilab has developed a high-power, high-energy, superconducting radio-frequency electron gun for advanced metal additive manufacturing applications. The novel design is based on a technique that eliminates liquid helium entirely and dramatically reduces the complexity of the system.
From NIST, Oct. 13, 2020: Researchers at NIST and their colleagues, including Fermilab scientist Gordan Krnjaic, have proposed a novel method for finding dark matter. The experiment, in which a billion millimeter-sized pendulums would act as dark matter sensors, would be the first to hunt for dark matter solely through its gravitational interaction with visible matter. A three-minute animation illustrates the new technique.
From Quanta Magazine, October 2020: This 17-minute podcast episode explores how three physicists stumbled across an unexpected relationship between some of the most ubiquitous objects in math. Hear Fermilab scientist Stephen Parke, DUNE collaborator Deborah Harris of York University, and Fields medalist Terence Tao discuss neutrinos, linear algebra, and the international, Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
From APS News, October 2020: This summer, Fermilab scientist Marco Del Tutto spent weeks building the 3-D virtual rooms for the Neutrino 2020 conference. Like many conferences in 2020, the meeting occurred over the now ubiquitous application Zoom. But this conference had twists and flourishes: a poster session conducted in virtual reality, pixelated renderings of plants and couches, and Chicago-specific settings.