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NOvA collaboration

The international collaboration presented their first results with new data in four years, featuring a new low-energy sample of electron neutrinos and a dataset doubled in size.

Jim Kerby

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced Jim Kerby as project director for Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (LBNF/DUNE-US) He will be responsible for managing all aspects of the project in the U.S. as Fermilab leads the execution of the largest international DOE project ever hosted on U.S. soil.

First bison of 2024

Spring brings new life to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory as calving season begins for the lab’s herd of American bison. Today, two bison calves were born at Fermilab. The lab has a long tradition of providing habitat for bison, connecting particle physics research to the Midwestern prairie. This season, 20 baby bison are expected.