Early Tevatron design days May 24, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature How many times must one iterate on a magnet-spool design? Until Dr. Wilson is happy.
Studying crowd behavior at MINERvA May 22, 2017 MINERvAneutrinoresultFermilab feature MINERvA measures the energy a neutrino imparts to protons and neutrons inside a heavy nucleus.
Sleuths use bubbles to look for WIMPs May 22, 2017 Canadadark matterIllinoisIndiaMexicoNorthwestern UniversityPICOresultUniversity of ChicagoFermilab feature The PICO experiment homes in on dark matter.
New U.S. and CERN agreements open pathways for future projects May 11, 2017 CERNCMSDeep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNEdune-internationalHigh-Luminosity LHCHL-LHCLarge Hadron ColliderLBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityneutrinoSanford LabSanford Underground Research FacilitySouth DakotaFermilab feature DOE and CERN last week signed three new agreements outlining the contributions CERN will make to the Fermilab neutrino program and DOE’s contributions to the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider upgrade program.
Grass and hay May 10, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature When I first started out here, in 1970, I worked with the farm crew.
This month in Fermilab history: May May 1, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature It was in May that the lab received the name Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, during a dedication attended by Laura Fermi.
Did you see it? April 27, 2017 ATLASCMSLarge Hadron ColliderLHCSymmetry feature Boston University physicist Tulika Bose explains why there’s more than one large, general-purpose particle detector at the Large Hadron Collider.
Ball of fire April 26, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature I was about to leave one of the lab’s service buildings when in came someone like a streak of lightning.
STEM Career Expo draws hundreds of local students April 26, 2017 educationoutreachFermilab feature Fermilab’s annual STEM Career Expo featured more than 140 professionals from 40 organizations.
IMSA celebrates 30, pays homage to Lederman April 24, 2017 educationoutreachFermilab feature The connection between Fermilab and the Illinois Math and Science Academy goes back to the lab’s second director.