En portada neutrinos: El origen de todo
From El Comercio, Feb. 18, 2019: Los neutrinos, esas part&iaacute;culas subatómicas, la más pequeñas y abundantes de la naturaleza, podrían ayudar a entender por qué el universo está hecho de materia.
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From El Comercio, Feb. 18, 2019: Los neutrinos, esas part&iaacute;culas subatómicas, la más pequeñas y abundantes de la naturaleza, podrían ayudar a entender por qué el universo está hecho de materia.
From Saense, Feb. 14, 2019: Uma parte vital de um dos maiores experimentos da física de partículas atual foi desenvolvida no Brasil. O Arapuca é um detector de luz a ser instalado no Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment — projeto que busca descobrir novas propriedades dos neutrinos, partícula elementar com muito pouca massa e que viaja a uma velocidade muito próxima à da luz.
From FAPESP, Feb. 13, 2019: Uma parte vital de um dos maiores experimentos da física de partículas atual foi desenvolvida no Brasil. O Arapuca é um detector de luz a ser instalado no Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment — projeto que busca descobrir novas propriedades dos neutrinos, partícula elementar com muito pouca massa e que viaja a uma velocidade muito próxima à da luz.
From Aurora Beacon-News, Fermilab scientists and engineers are hoping to understand neutrinos — tiny particles that many feel hold the key to answering many questions about the universe — and are using a very large thermometer to do it.
From University of Missouri – Kansas City’s University News, Feb. 6, 2019: Sánchez, a scientist at Iowa State University, is a part of Fermilab’s NOvA neutrino experiment and the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. She also co-leads the ANNIE experiment at Fermilab.
Physicists often find thrifty, ingenious ways to reuse equipment and resources. What do you do about an 800-ton magnet originally used to discover new particles? Send it off on a months-long journey via truck, train and ship halfway across the world to detect oscillating particles called neutrinos, of course. It’s all part of the vast recycling network of the physics community.
For several weeks, a prototype detector for the Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment collected data using beams from CERN’s particle accelerators. The results show a mature technology exceeding all expectations. It’s the culmination of three years of hard work by a global team dedicated to constructing and bringing the new detector online.
From the University of Rochester’s Campus Times, Jan. 23, 2019: A University of Rochester undergraduate working on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is interested in characterizing neutrinos because of the broad impact the particles may have on the very existence of matter.
From Black Hills Pioneer, Jan. 18, 2019: South Dakota media reports on a public informational meeting that introduced the general contractor/construction manager for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility to the community.
For the first time, scientists have demonstrated that low-energy neutrinos can be thoroughly identified with a liquid-argon particle detector. The results, obtained with the ArgoNeuT experiment, are promising for experiments that use liquid argon to catch neutrinos, including the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.