
11 - 17 of 17 results

U.Va. physicists explore subatomic questions in multimillion-dollar, international experiments

    The Cavalier Daily, Nov. 20, 2019: University physicists are beginning to make their mark on two multimillion dollar experiments in particle physics by contributing their research analyses to experiments at Fermilab for short: the Mu2e muon experiment and the NOvA neutrino experiment. NOvA is under way, and Mu2e is scheduled to begin in 2023.

    What happens when you kidnap a muon?

    The forthcoming Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will kidnap muons and trap them in aluminum atoms. But what exactly happens when you shoot a muon at an aluminum foil? While Mu2e is under construction, its scientists are already getting some valuable answers from a smaller accomplice: AlCap.