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A brief history of women of Fermilab

No aspect of Fermilab, past or present — the accomplishments of the Tevatron, the popular Arts and Lecture Series, the education efforts, the world-leading neutrino program — would be what it is today without the contributions of women. This International Women’s Day, we honor their contributions.

Paul Alivisatos named next president of the University of Chicago

    From UChicago News, Feb. 26, 2021: The University of Chicago’s Board of Trustees has named Paul Alivisatos as the university’s 14th president. An accomplished leader in higher education and a world-renowned scientist, Alivisatos is currently executive vice chancellor and provost at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also a professor and the former director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

    Coffea speeds up particle physics data analysis

    The prodigious amount of data produced at the Large Hadron Collider presents a major challenge for data analysis. Coffea, a Python package developed by Fermilab researchers, speeds up computation and helps scientists work more efficiently. Around a dozen international LHC research groups now use Coffea, which draws on big data techniques used outside physics.

    One minute with Roshanda Spillers, accelerator electronics technician

    Roshanda Spillers is a lifelong student. With five academic degrees under her belt and more to come, she’s one of the vital lab staff who make sure that the experiments’ electronics are in working order and that the particle accelerators are well-maintained. A new grandmother who’s learning piano while going to school, she encourages those who love science to pursue their dreams relentlessly.