Sterile neutrinos in trouble
The IceCube experiment reports ruling out to a high degree of certainty the existence of a theoretical low-mass sterile neutrino.
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The IceCube experiment reports ruling out to a high degree of certainty the existence of a theoretical low-mass sterile neutrino.
What’s it like to be part of an experiment collaboration in the weeks and days before a big announcement?
Possible signs of new particle seem to have washed out in an influx of new data.
The Higgs appeared in the second run of the LHC about twice as fast as it did in the first.
CERN’s Director General is enthusiastic about the progress and prospects of the LHC research program, but it’s not the only thing on her plate.
After more than a decade of running, on June 29, the Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search experiment and its second iteration, MINOS+, concluded their runs.
The Standard Model is far more than elementary particles arranged in a table.
From Physics, July 26, 2016: A team at MIT analyzes data from Fermilab’s MINOS neutrino experiment. The results rule out a class of realist models in which the evolving system does not depend on any “memory” of its initial state.
The first website to be hosted in the U.S. has grown to be an invaluable hub for open science.
From CERN Courier, July 8, 2016: Established in 2013 following recommendations from the European Strategy document, the CERN Neutrino Platform ensures Europe’s participation in next-generation long- and short-baseline neutrino experiments in Japan and the United States