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From WDCB’s First Light, Sept. 29, 2019: About one year ago, the scientific community lost a unique and brilliant voice. Leon Lederman was much more than the voice for particle physics and the importance of science, he was a teacher, a champion for education, and by all accounts a charismatic character. In this 15-minute radio piece, First Light host Brian O’Keefe visited with Fermilab scientist Herman White and former Fermilab Education Office Head Marge Bardeen.

Miguelangel Marchan completed four Fermilab internships while studying at Northern Illinois University and University of Illinois at Chicago before starting full-time work as an electrical engineer at Fermilab. What does he have to say about his current role at Fermilab? “Electronics are magic.”

When he was growing up, Jonathan LeyVa thought he’d follow his passion for race cars and pick a profession in automotive engineering. Instead he’s working on what will become one of the world’s most sensitive searches for dark matter, the invisible substance that accounts for more than 85% of the mass of the universe.

From, Sept. 24, 2019: Une équipe de chercheurs dirigés par Christopher Mauger, dans une étude récemment publiée, avance certaines options pouvant faire en partie la lumière sur cet étrange phénomène et répondre à d’autres questions dans le domaine de la physique fondamentale. Dans le cadre du programme CAPTAIN représentent une première étape importante pour la mise sur pied du DUNE, une installation expérimentale pour l’étude des neutrinos et de la physique des particules.

From Providence Journal, Sept. 25, 2019: Local newspaper promotes the event, which features scientists from Fermilab, the nation’s leading particle physics lab, as well as researchers working with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva. Fermilab Office of Education and Public Outreach Head Rebecca Thompson explains the science behind “Game of Thrones.”