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From The Conversation, December 21, 2021: Aaron McGowan, Principal Lecturer in Physics and Astronomy at the Rochester Institute of Technology explores research in 2021 in which physicists around the world ran a number of experiments that probed the Standard Model. From Higgs Boson, to Muon g-2 and the restart of the LHC at CERN, McGowan highlights some of the ways the Standard Model fails to explain every mystery of the universe.

From Discover Magazine, December 19, 2021: In April, an international collaboration of more than 200 scientists, led by Fermilab reported findings that may open a door to physics that transcends the Standard Model. Muon g-2’s magnetic moment goes beyond the Standard Model.

From Blog Sicilia (Italy), December 15, 2021: From Marsala to Chicago, a young Sicilian among the most important scientists in the world. Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino is a researcher from Marsala chosen by the DOE to lead a project that will build the quantum computer: a revolutionary machine that will lead to a new era of research. In Chicago, she is among the most important scientists in the world.

From Science, December 16, 2021: And the winner is….Science has declared AI-driven software that offers insights into basic biology and revealing promising new drug targets the Breakthrough of 2021. The Muon g-2 story, At last, a crack in particle physics’ standard model?, was among the finalists in this impressive listing of science innovations that occurred this year. Read more about the winner and other amazing science discoveries recognized by Science.

From Nature, December 14, 2021: Nature news editors have compiled their list of defining moments in science and research in 2021. Fermilab’s Muon g-2 results announcement was included in the editors’ ten picks when it opened the door to major changes in physics.

From ABC 7 Chicago, December 10, 2021: Last Friday, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm toured Fermilab as she highlighted clean energy programs helping battle climate change. Fermilab was the final stop on the secretary’s two-day visit to Illinois that was part of a series of visits to highlight projects around the county that are making a positive impact on the environment.

From World Nuclear News, December 7, 2021: A neutrino detection kit has been installed in the containment of Argentina’s Atucha 2 reactor in support of a US-Argentine experiment to learn more about the mysterious particles. Scientists of the vIOLETTA Project are using sensitive Skipper CCD equipment designed and prepared by Fermilab and Berkeley labs. It will be able to detect interactions between neutrinos and a silicon matrix. The experimental arrangement will give them insights on neutrinos at previously unexplored low energy ranges.

From The Chicago Sun-Times, December 7, 2021: Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm will visit and tour Fermilab on Friday with Gov. Pritzker and Illinois Rep. Lauren Underwood and Rep. Bobby Rush, the chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Energy subcommittee. The visit aims to highlight how the historic climate investments of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda will help lower energy costs and generate good-paying, union jobs.

From Wired, December 5, 2021: Years of conflicting measurements have led physicists to propose a “dark sector” of invisible particles that could explain dark matter and the universe’s expansion. Now, four analyses released yesterday by the MicroBooNE experiment from Fermilab and another recent study from the IceCube detector at the South Pole both suggest that these more complex neutrino theories may be on the right track—though the future remains far from clear.