In the news

From CERN Courier, March 8, 2019: Newly published results from the MINOS+ experiment at Fermilab cast fresh doubts on the existence of the sterile neutrino — a hypothetical fourth neutrino flavor that would constitute physics beyond the Standard Model. MINOS+ studies how muon neutrinos oscillate into other neutrino flavors as a function of distance travelled.

From CNN, March 7, 2019: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln tells the history of the start of the World Wide Web, which has its 30th anniversary this month. It started an unpublished manuscript by Tim Berners-Lee titled “Information Management: A Proposal,” was submitted to the publication office of CERN.

From NIU Today, March 26, 2019: The American Physical Society has recognized Fermilab and Northern Illinois University physicist Philippe Piot for his outstanding contributions as a referee for APS journals.

From Inside Science, March 6, 2019: Scientists may be able to look for dark matter in rocks that host minerals with which dark matter particles may have interacted. Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper is quoted in this article.

From CNN, March 3, 2019: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln talks about muons, thunderstorms and the GRAPES-3 experiment, located in India. Scientists noticed that when a thunderstorm passed over their detector, the number of muons they observed got smaller compared to the rate before the thunderstorm arrived.

From Kyoto University, Feb. 27, 2019: In this five-minute video, University of Washington scientist and Fermilab collaborator Kim Siang Khaw explains Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment and how it may reveal unknown particles lurking in our universe.

From UChicago News, Feb. 28, 2019: The Chicago Quantum Exchange, a growing hub for the research and development of quantum technology, is adding the University of Wisconsin–Madison as its newest member. UW–Madison is joining forces with the University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, Fermilab, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in developing a national leading collaboration in the rapidly emerging field of quantum information.

For The New York Times, Feb. 25, 2019: Axions? Phantom energy? Astrophysicists scramble to patch a hole in the universe, rewriting cosmic history in the process. Fermilab scientist Josh Frieman is quoted in this article.

From Live Science, Feb. 21, 2019: This primer on neutrinos calls out the search for sterile neutrinos and a recent result from the MiniBooNE neutrino experiment.

From CNN, Feb. 20, 2019: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln celebrates the 150th anniversary of the invention of the periodic table of elements, which epitomizes our modern understanding of chemistry. Displayed on the wall of chemistry classrooms, it is a vast chart of over 100 elements — the chemical building blocks of every substance you’ve ever seen.