SURF study highlights economic impacts in South Dakota
From the Black Hills Pioneer, May 17, 2021 Activities at the Sanford Lab to have significant benefits for over the next decade as the construction of DUNE continues.
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From the Black Hills Pioneer, May 17, 2021 Activities at the Sanford Lab to have significant benefits for over the next decade as the construction of DUNE continues.
From Smithsonian Magazine, May 13, 2021: A group of scientists say the phenomenon could indicate dark matter speeding through our world at more than 300 miles a second. Fermilab’s Dan Hooper is quoted in this story about the study of flashes seen in ordinary lightning storms showing evidence of super-dense chunks of dark matter as they zip through our atmosphere.
From KOTA-TV (Rapid City, SD), May 16, 2021: Sanford has a $1.6 billion economic impact and generates over 1,000 jobs in South Dakota.
From EIN Presswire, May 14, 2021; LBNL’s LArPix experiment result is a leap forward in how to detect and record signals in liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs), a technology of choice for future neutrino and dark matter experiments such as Fermilab’s DUNE.
From Forbes, May 14, 2021: Fermilab senior scientist Don Lincoln discusses measuring the size of neutron stars and the result of a measurement showing that the centers of neutron stars are stiff and not squishy.
From the STFC, May 12, 2021: STFC and US-based Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory have agreed to collaborate on building one of the world’s most powerful linear accelerators.
From Vox, May 12, 2021: Fermilab’s Jessica Esquivel explains the results of a new experiment out of Fermilab – involving a subatomic particle wobbling weirdly – could pave the way to new ways of understanding our universe.
From Sanford Lab, May 10, 2021: Activities at the Sanford Underground Research Facility will have significant benefits for the state of South Dakota over the next decade.
From Bloomberg, May 8: Michael Bloomberg, founder and owner of Bloomberg News, writes an opinion piece about increased funding for the national labs using the Fermilab Muon g-2 result as an example of the federal government’s investment in the lab’s and the long-term results of research and collaborative experiments.
From DOE Office of Science, May 4, 2021: Secretary Granholm Visits Howard University in First In-Person Event to Discuss Workplace Diversity and Inclusive Research Opportunities.