
1181 - 1190 of 1211 results

Brainteasers and Camp Snowmass Energize Learning for Kids at Snowmass2001

From rockets to hot-air balloons, from soap bubbles to egg-crash derbies: Visiting scientists and science teachers will team up with Roaring Fork Valley organizations to offer kids a special combination of learning and summer fun during “Snowmass 2001: A Summer Study on the Future of Particle Physics,” June 30-July 21 at the Snowmass Conference Center.

QuarkNet Project conducts high-energy physics teacher training at Snowmass workshop, July 1-6

A select group of 24 high school science teachers from across the country will share the singular opportunity to bring the high-energy physics frontier back to their classrooms through the QuarkNet teacher training workshop July 1-6 at the Snowmass Conference Center, during the three-week conference “Snowmass 2001: A Summer Study on the Future of Particle Physics.”

Balloon flight re-creates history at Snowmass, July 8

Physicists, often regarded as having their heads in the clouds, will take their stereotype literally during an aerial experiment in the early morning of Sunday, July 8 at Snowmass, Colorado when they lift off in a hot-air balloon to re-create the 1912 discovery of cosmic rays by Austrian physicist Victor Hess.