Press releases

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291 - 300 of 337 results

Fermilab’s Helen Edwards Receives Prestigious 2003 Robert R. Wilson Prize from the American Physical Society

Helen Edwards, whose work in the early days of the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is a foundation of past, present and future scientific achievements, and whose current work is helping shape the next generation of particle accelerators, has been awarded the 2003 Robert R. Wilson Prize by the American Physical Society.

Fermilab Astrophysicist to Speak at American Academy of Arts and Sciences Induction Ceremony

Astrophysicist Edward W. “Rocky” Kolb, of the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the University of Chicago, will join United States senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), NPR News senior analyst Daniel Schorr, novelist Chinua Achebe, and other luminaries in addressing the 2002 incoming class of Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences on Saturday, Oct. 5 at 3:30 p.m. at Harvard University’s Sanders Theatre in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

New HEP news wire from Fermilab and SLAC

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in Menlo Park, Calif., today jointly announce the launching of an email news wire, HEP Interactions, for communicating news from high-energy physics and related fields.

Afterglows the Hard Way: Fermilab Scientists Find the Glow Without the Burst–a First

Combining the newest of astronomical instruments with the most venerable techniques of patient attention to detail, scientists at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the University of Chicago and other institutions believe they have made the first optical observation of a gamma ray burst afterglow unprompted by prior observation of the gamma ray burst itself-a so-called “orphan afterglow.”