How to do particle physics in a climate emergency
Scientists in the particle physics community are bringing environmental and climate issues to the table in discussions about future research.
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Scientists in the particle physics community are bringing environmental and climate issues to the table in discussions about future research.
A physicist, a composer and a creative technician team up to translate the unseen particles around us into a format that human bodies can understand.
This year’s list includes a book about an eminent physicist striving to avoid fame, two unique books for children, and a book with equations you’ll actually be able to read.
Laza Rakotondravohitra was the first Malagasy grad student to conduct research in neutrino physics. He and others are working to ensure he will be far from the last.
It takes years of on-the-job training to learn the ins and outs of particle accelerator operation.
Physicists take on the mystery of the missing (and extra) neutrinos.
Symmetry chats with scientists and engineers about doing important work in physics without a doctoral degree.
The workshop is the culmination of a two-year process to provide a scientific vision and detailed proposals to the planning process for the future of US particle physics.
Scientists have learned a lot about the Higgs boson in the decade since they discovered it. But intriguing questions remain.
The CDF experiment at Fermilab measured the mass of the W boson and came up with an answer that no one expected.