From Yahoo News, Jan. 20, 2023: A small group of Fashion Studies students and COD Fashion Studies Professor Eva Stevens, are working in collaboration with Fermilab engineers to design Personal Protective Equipment for Spot who works in radioactive and contaminated areas.
From Laser Focus World, Jan. 12, 2023: What does the future of detectors look like and what problems will they solve? Advances in novel detectors are working on some of the most elusive mysteries in science—from quantum teleportation to neutrinos and dark matter. The long-baseline neutrino detectors of DUNE are part of this line up of international detectors.
A mile underground in South Dakota, construction crews have worked diligently to carve out an extensive network of caverns and tunnels that one day will house a huge neutrino experiment. Their efforts have paid off: With almost 400,000 tons of rock extracted from the earth, the excavation has reached the halfway point.
From the Rapid City Journal, Jan. 12, 2023: An interview with Fermilab project manager Joshua Willhite on the excavation of the caverns for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) being built under the Black Hills of South Dakota at SURF. Willhite is a mechanical engineering graduate of the South Dakota Mines university who spoke with him about his love of engineering and how the program at SD Mines led to his work on DUNE. This article is an adaptation of the South Dakota Mines story that published on Jan. 10.
From CNN, Don Lincoln, Jan. 13, 2023: Because of the Montreal Protocol signed in 1987, which regulated the consumption and production of almost 100 chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons, use of CFCs has decreased by 99%, and the Earth’s ozone layer is on track to recover in the coming decades.