
From Open Access Government, Sept. 10, 2020: DOE Associate Director of Science for High Energy Physics Jim Siegrist charts how future machines will explore new frontiers in particle physics. The DOE Office of Science is working with partners around the globe to realize the next generation of particle physics facilities and experiments, including the international, Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and its Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, PIP-II, and LHC experiments, including CMS.

From CERN Courier, Sept. 9, 2020: The first ICHEP meeting since the publication of the update of the European strategy for particle physics covered Higgs and neutrino physics, including results from the CMS collider experiment and the DUNE, NOvA and MicroBooNE neutrino experiments.

From FedScoop, Aug. 26, 2020: The White House plans to establish seven Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes and five Quantum Information Science Research Centers with more than $1 billion in awards during the next five years. Fermilab is among the national laboratories that will serve as Quantum Information Science Research Center leads, combining its particle physics expertise with partners’ strengths in materials, computing and superconductivity science and technology to advance quantum technologies.

From The Center Square, Aug. 26, 2020: Illinois has been chosen to host two of the five new National Quantum Information Science Research Centers. The projects are led by Fermilab and Argonne. Each project will receive $115 million in federal funding. The centers are intended to foster breakthroughs in quantum information science and related technology as part of the National Quantum Initiative.

From CNET, Aug. 26, 2020: The Department of Energy’s five quantum computing centers, housed at US national laboratories, are funded by a five year, $625 million project bolstered by $340 million worth of help from companies. The five centers will be at Fermi, Argonne, Brookhaven, Lawrence Berkeley and Oak Ridge national labs.