A minute with Tim Hobbs, theoretical physicist August 1, 2022 peopleFermilab feature Physicist Tim Hobbs works on neutrino and QCD theory and enjoys cooking and international travel.
PIP-II transportation test frame is ready for action July 25, 2022 cryomodulePIP-IItransportationFermilab feature Successful assembly was the result of a collaboration among three institutions in three countries.
NYU Langone plans to partner with Fermilab’s SQMS to advance MRI analysis July 20, 2022 MRIquantum computingSQMSSQMS CenterFermilab feature Researchers look toward quantum computing to help medical-imaging scientists achieve the goal of accurately measuring tissue properties with MRI scans.
Final Snowmass meeting to be held next week July 12, 2022 high-energy physicsSnowmassSymmetry feature The workshop is the culmination of a two-year process to provide a scientific vision and detailed proposals to the planning process for the future of US particle physics.
A minute with Sasha Rahlin, observational cosmologist July 11, 2022 cosmic microwave backgrounddark matterSouth Pole TelescopeFermilab feature When she’s not studying the Cosmic Microwave Background at the South Pole in subzero temperatures, postdoctoral researcher Sasha Rahlin warms up with beach volleyball in Chicago.
Berkeley Lab researchers record successful startup of LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter detector at Sanford Underground Research Facility July 7, 2022 dark matterdetectorLZPress release Lawrence Berkeley National Lab has passed the startup operations phase and delivered first results of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ), the world’s most sensitive dark matter detector.
10 years later, Higgs boson discoverers publish refined measurements July 6, 2022 ATLASCMSHiggs bosonLHCStandard ModelFermilab feature In new papers by the CMS and ATLAS Collaborations, physicists detail high-precision results from their latest Higgs boson studies.
Four things physicists still wonder about the Higgs boson June 30, 2022 Higgs bosonLHCStandard ModelSymmetry feature Scientists have learned a lot about the Higgs boson in the decade since they discovered it. But intriguing questions remain.
Quantum network between two national labs achieves record synch June 27, 2022 Argonneemerging technologiesIEQNETquantumPress release Quantum collaboration demonstrates in Chicagoland the first steps toward functional long-distance quantum networks over deployed telecom fiber optics, opening the door to scalable quantum computing.
NIU students lend their engineering skills to PIP-II June 22, 2022 acceleratorcleanroomcryomoduleengineeringNIUPIP-IIFermilab feature Senior engineering students designed a portable cleanroom and a modular cryomodule mockup for Fermilab’s new accelerator complex upgrade project.