Inside the Large Hadron Collider May 16, 2018 Large Hadron ColliderLHCSymmetry feature If two protons collide at 99.9999991 percent the speed of light, do they make a sound?
Josh Frieman takes on role of Fermilab Particle Physics Division head May 14, 2018 peopleFermilab feature The director of the Dark Energy Survey is now heading one of the most scientifically diverse divisions at Fermilab.
Mark Lancaster elected as new Muon g-2 co-spokesperson May 9, 2018 Muon g-2muonspeopleUKFermilab feature The UK physicist will co-lead the experiment for the next two years.
History of the Fermilab barn dances May 8, 2018 historylab lifeFermilab feature Fermilab’s Folk Music Club sponsored the first Fermilab barn dance on May 13, 1978. Forty years later, the Fermilab Barn Dance is still going strong.
Construction begins on one of the world's most sensitive dark matter experiments May 7, 2018 Californiadark matterSLACSNOLABSuperCDMSPress release Fermilab is providing technology and expertise for the SuperCDMS SNOLAB project, which will expand the hunt for dark matter to particles with properties not visible to any other experiment.
In photos: Dare to Dream shares joys of STEM with Latina middle schoolers April 30, 2018 diversity equity and inclusionoutreachSTEMFermilab feature Lab professionals discussed their work, shared their experiences in different career areas and encouraged the girls to study STEM careers themselves.
In photos: STEM Career Expo a success April 27, 2018 educationoutreachSTEMFermilab feature Approximately 1,100 Chicago-area high school students, parents and educators attended the event, where they had the opportunity to meet more than 160 STEM professionals from nearly 50 companies, organizations, agencies and professional associations.
Canada’s Governor General Julie Payette commends new partnership between Fermilab and York University in support of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment April 26, 2018 CanadaDeep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNEinternational relationsinternationalityLBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilityVIPvisitYork UniversityFermilab feature Governor General Payette toured Fermilab’s extensive research complex and marked the start of a new partnership in particle physics research.
Four students awarded DOE Graduate Student Research fellowships April 23, 2018 awardpeopleFermilab feature The program provides supplemental awards to outstanding U.S. graduate students to pursue part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE laboratory or facility.
DOE Office of Science Deputy Director Stephen Binkley visits Fermilab April 23, 2018 DOEVIPvisitFermilab feature Binkley discussed our neutrino, muon and collider physics programs with Fermilab experts, as well as our accelerator science and technology efforts.