Providing precise neutrino measurements with MINERvA September 8, 2016 MINERvAneutrinoFermilab feature The puzzle: understanding how nearly undetectable particles, called neutrinos, interact with normal matter. The solution? The clever MINERvA experiment, which shares its name with the Roman goddess of wisdom.
Help maintain one of the Midwest’s largest prairies at Fermilab on Sept. 10 and Oct. 15 September 6, 2016 natural areasprairiePrairie HarvestPress release Fermilab is looking for volunteers to help with its annual prairie seed harvest. Two harvest events are planned, on Saturday, Sept. 10, and Saturday, Oct. 15, beginning at 10 a.m.
Fermilab bison in pictures and musings September 2, 2016 animalbisonmammalwildlifeFermilab feature The Fermilab bison herd is now in pictures! Watch a 2-minute video, look at a map of the herd’s heritage, and read a playful letter of introduction from the lab’s first herd.
Our galactic neighborhood August 30, 2016 astrophysicsdark matterSymmetry feature What can our cosmic neighbors tell us about dark matter and the early universe?
Five facts about the Big Bang August 23, 2016 Big BangcosmologySymmetry feature It’s the cornerstone of cosmology, but what is it all about?
Funneling fundamental particles August 22, 2016 accelerator technologyneutrinoFermilab feature Tooting our horn: Fermilab has the most expertise in constructing neutrino horns, which focus the particles that eventually decay into neutrinos. Learn how they work.
The $100 muon detector August 19, 2016 detector R&Ddetector technologymuonsSymmetry feature A doctoral student and his adviser designed a tabletop particle detector they hope to make accessible to budding young engineering physicists.
The physics photographer August 16, 2016 artphotographySymmetry feature Fermilab’s house photographer of almost 30 years, Reidar Hahn, shares four of his most iconic shots.
Teacher interns learn lab work August 15, 2016 educationoutreachFermilab feature Fermilab’s TRAC program helps middle and high school teachers turn lab experiences into lessons or exercises for their students.
The contents of the universe August 10, 2016 cosmic microwave backgroundcosmologydark energydark mattergalaxyLSSTSymmetry feature How do scientists know what percentages of the universe are made up of dark matter and dark energy? Cosmologist Risa Wechsler of the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology explains. Watch the 3-minute video.