LArIAT upgrade will test DUNE design April 13, 2017 detector technologyDUNELArIATliquid argonneutrinoFermilab feature In particle physics, the difference of a millimeter or two can make or break an experiment.
Working for Wilson April 5, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryRobert WilsonFermilab feature My first year at Fermilab was 1968. Our crew worked closely with Wilson. He was charismatic, friendly and outgoing.
This month in Fermilab history: April April 3, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature Plans for a new accelerator laboratory began in April 1963. Subsequent Aprils brought the completion of the Central Laboratory Building and the installation of the final Main Ring magnet.
How to make a discovery March 28, 2017 theorySymmetry feature Particle physics is a dance between theory and experiment.
Laura Fields is new MINERvA co-spokesperson March 28, 2017 MINERvAneutrinopeopleFermilab feature Laura Fields looks forward to supporting MINERvA’s early-career researchers and to being a good role model for women in the collaboration
A new gem inside the CMS detector March 23, 2017 BoulderCERNCMSColoradodetectordetector technologyLarge Hadron ColliderLHCUniversity of ColoradoFermilab feature This month U.S. scientists embedded sophisticated new instruments in the heart of a Large Hadron Collider experiment.
One minute with Lidija Kokoska, mechanical engineer March 23, 2017 peopleFermilab feature At Fermilab, she’s an engineer that’s helping with a critical part of the Mu2e experiment. Outside Fermilab, she’s a rocker.
Fermilab’s fight against invasive species March 20, 2017 ecologynatural areasprairieFermilab feature With 6,800 acres of natural habitat, Fermilab gets help from dedicated citizens who help maintain a landscape where native species flourish.
Looking back: Fermilab in the Civil Rights Era March 17, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature On Fermilab’s 50th anniversary, we take a look back at its connections to the civil rights movement using archives and original interviews.
Fermilab holds first Ask-a-Scientist program in Spanish March 16, 2017 outreachFermilab feature Nearly 100 curious neighbors turned out for Fermilab’s first Spanish-language Ask-a-Scientist event.