LHC scientists detect most favored Higgs decay
Scientists now know the fate of the vast majority of all Higgs bosons produced in the LHC.
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Scientists now know the fate of the vast majority of all Higgs bosons produced in the LHC.
The latest calculation based on how subatomic muons interact with all known particles comes out just in time for precision measurements at new Muon g-2 experiment.
New result draws on 30 years of research and development and begins the definitive search for axion particles.
The experiment aims for unprecedented precision in measuring an important property of the muon, one that could open a window into new physics.
The Muon g-2 team has begun the important step of measuring the experiment’s magnetic field to unprecedented precision.
Dark Energy Survey scientists have unveiled the most accurate measurement ever made of the present large-scale structure of the universe, and their findings support the dark matter/dark energy model.