131 - 140 of 234 results
Fermilab scientists in Batavia help CERN link Higgs particle to bottom quarks
From Kane County Chronicle, Aug. 30, 2018: Fermilab scientists have played a role in the recent discovery of the Higgs boson transforming into bottom quarks as it decays. The breakthrough was described in a joint announcement from the Large Hadron Collider experiment collaborations ATLAS and CMS at CERN.
Why decaying Higgs bosons and the quarks they create matter
From CNET, Aug. 30, 2018: This explainer on the latest Higgs boson result from ATLAS and CMS quotes Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln.
First ever observation of Higgs boson decay opens new doors for particle physics
From Live Science, Aug. 28, 2018: Fermilab and CMS scientist Don Lincoln explains the latest exciting result from the Large Hadron Collider: ATLAS and CMS’s first unambiguous observation of Higgs bosons decaying into a matter-antimatter pair of bottom quarks. Surprisingly, the Higgs bosons decay most often in this way.
What does the Higgs boson turn itself into? Large Hadron Collider confirms theory
From GeekWire, Aug. 28, 2018: It took several years for ATLAS and CMS researchers to nail down the evidence of the Higgs decay into two b quarks to a standard significance of 5-sigma. Researchers had to sift through billions of data points from two collider runs to boost their confidence sufficiently.
LHC scientists detect most favored Higgs decay
Scientists now know the fate of the vast majority of all Higgs bosons produced in the LHC.
ICARUS neutrino detector installed in new Fermilab home
ICARUS now sits in the path of Fermilab’s neutrino beam, a milestone that brings the detector one step closer to taking data.
Tour du LHC
An intrepid Symmetry writer and communicator at CERN navigates the landscape above the Large Hadron Collider by bicycle.
A dual-phase DUNE
- argon
- dark matter
- DarkSide
- Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
- detector
- detector R&D
- detector technology
- France
- Gran Sasso
- IN2P3
- Italy
- Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility
- LZ
- neutrino
- New Jersey
- Princeton University
- ProtoDUNE
- Sanford Lab
- Sanford Underground Research Facility
- South Dakota
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Texas
- University of Texas at Arlington
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is advancing technology commonly used in dark matter experiments—and scaling it up to record-breaking sizes.
Hyabusa mission; ProtoDUNE neutrino detector; Caledonian crow skills; Koala microbiome
From BBC Radio 4, June 28, 2018: In this radio piece, reporter Adam Rutherford explores the ProtoDUNE prototype detector at CERN. Segment begins at 7:10.